An Accordion-style gallery is the defining feature for this admin-backed ad. Its JSON data is grouped into two weighted sets, and the ad will determine which set to show based on the weight value of each. The title images, trailer video, and synopsis text are all dynamic. The titles are randomized each time the ad loads, so if the ad is encountered by a viewer a second time, it has the potential to look fresh. The ad exits to the url of the title in focus on the Netflix website. Replay the ad a few times to see each set. Swipe across the accordion gallery with your finger or mouse to move forward or backward through the titles. The ad features a synopsis section and a trailer video player section. Click the Play button or View Synopsis button on a title to reveal the additional sections.
* It looks like over time something has changed and rendered this unit buggy when swiping on desktop. If viewed on a mobile device the swiping will behave as expected.